Town Hall Meetings? (concept)

( UPDATE: I will be available in Solaria from 8pm-midnight EST in Dracino's cantina- unless needed elsewhere in the city, and via /city chat. It is a good time to reacquaint yourself with the mayor as well as voice suggestions/complaints regarding Solaria.  Citizens and guests are welcome all the same.  Participation points may be accrued, and at least one never-proposed idea will make light from the mayor. )

With the inclusion of city chat, I wanted to make sure it was being used to its best capacity. This is the first time aside from city mail where citizens can network and be in better communication with one another.

It made me wonder what could be done to include this in the setup of Solaria itself. So I was thinking about city hall types of meetings. Not so much with formality but more like having a beverage and discussing various topics.

A hot cup of caf? 
Java the Hutt Coffee Cup
Or Java with Jivaro?

 Blue Milk with the mayor?

Enough of that silliniess...but you get the idea.  I have a poll asking how often you might like this concept.  The best part is it can be done through city chat so you can listen in without making the journey to the city.

Feedback appreciated, so give your thoughts.


  1. lol...jivaro actually i like the middle one with the imp..funny as heck...i really do like Java With Jivaro.

  2. @_@ Everytime I see this page with the Java...I WANT COFFEE!!


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