Death in the Family

 I'm sad to give news of the passing of Tuage (C'B).  He was not only a friend of mine but a former guildie and past citizen of Solaria.

 From Facebook:
at 1pm Michael took his last breath. He is now an angel looking down on all of us. No more pain or suffering. Please keep his daughter and the rest of his family in your prayers and thoughts as the healing process begins.
 He was a great guy and always tried to stay in contact with his friends from the past.  Even when he was in a different guild and city, he still tried to help me out as well as any of his former guildies or citizens.  Often he would make me say hi to different people, and I'd carry out messenger duties since a lot of people had different

The memorial for C'b/Tuage will be held on Monday, October 4th at 7PM CST/8PM EST on Venri Island, Corellia (Starsider galaxy).  Waypoint is -5420 -6238.
We ask all that attend to be "On Leave" and of course, please no Bounty Hunting (please be respectful).  Please do not drop banners or activate Colonel buffs during this time to keep down on lag and distractions.
HERO will start with opening words and then we will open it to anyone else that would like to say something about C'b/Tuage.
You may leave comments here or at the link below.  Even if you didn't know him well (or not even at all), any words from the community would be more than welcome.



Let the Fishing Rumpus Start!

What is a positive to all the swamps of Solaria?  Well, fishing of course.  Small as the puddle may seem, most every puddle in Solaria supports fish.  Perhaps it's because they actually connect deeper below the surface and lead to the greater water body of water which borders Solaria in the south.

Why should you care?

Fishing has been revamped with leaderboards and even "elusive" fish to catch on most of the planets.  Below is the whole writeup.  Citizens and guilds can also garner credit for exemplary fishing, so take a look...

Fishing Leaderboard

The Fishing Leaderboard is a new in-game feature that keeps track of the leading individual, guild, and city anglers across each galaxy. It displays the ranks, lists the leaders' names, and the total length of the best fish caught for each leader.
  • Individual Leaders: The total length of the best 10 non-collection fish caught during the period are used to determine the angler's Fishing Leaderboard score.
  • Guild/City Leaders: The total length of the best 25 non-collection fish caught during the period by the members/citizens of the guild/city are used to determine the guild/city Fishing Leaderboard score.
The Fishing Leaderboard scoring period is weekly and starts/ends every Thursday at 19:00:00 GMT / 11:00:00 PST / 12:00:00 PDT (same time as the GCW rank and Leaderboard update). At the end of the period, the winners are determined and the list (along with all the scores) is reset to start a new period.

Accessing the Information
To view the Fishing Leaderboard, simply trigger any fishing pole.

The Fishing Leaderboard section in the Hobbies tab of the Collections window and displays a count of how many times the angler has made the Fishing Leaderboard winners' list. It also displays how many times the angler was listed in the leaderboard as a guild member/citizen of a guild/city that made the list.
The Fishing Leaderboard section in the Badges tab of the Collections window displays badges the angler has earned from the Fishing Leaderboard. Badges are granted for winning 1st place, and for making the Fishing Leaderboard winners list one time, five times, 10 times, 15 times... etc.

Cities and Guilds
In order to contribute to the guild/city Fishing Leaderboard score, the angler must have been eligible (i.e. did not just recently join the guild/city) for the period for which the guild/city made the Fishing Leaderboard winners list. They must also have caught a non-collection fish during the period (even if that non-collection fish does not end up contributing to the guild/city winning score), in order to qualify to receive credit for being a guild member/citizen of a guild/city that made the Fishing Leaderboard winners list.

Anglers joining a guild/city in between periods will not contribute to the guild/city Fishing Leaderboard until the start of the next Fishing Leaderboard period.

The guilds and cities in the most recent winners list will be given access to one guild/city travel point. The guild/city travel point privilege is revoked if the guild/city does not make the next winners list. To reiterate, the guild/city travel point privilege is only available to the guilds and cities in the most recent winners list.

Messaging and Notices
Whenever the positions on the Fishing Leaderboard for the current period changes, a message is sent to the chat, guild chat, and/or the city chat for the angler, guild members, and/or citizens of a city to notify everyone of the change.

An in-game mail will also be sent to the winning anglers, guild leaders, and city mayors when a Fishing Leaderboard period ends, and when the winners are determined.

Fishing Record

The Fishing Record displays the type of fish caught, the planet on which it was caught, the length of the fish, the name of the angler (person who caught it), as well as the location, time and the bait used.
For each galaxy, best length fish is tracked for each of the 70 non-collection fish (7 fish types x 10 planets). The angler who catches a non-collection fish whose length is greater than or equal to the current record will become the new record holder. Personal best is also tracked for each angler for each of the 70 non-collection fish.

Use any fishing pole to view the galaxy best, the angler's personal best, and the personal best of another targeted angler.

A record fish will be renamed to designate it as a record fish, and it's examine window will contain additional record fish information that shows, the galaxy, location, and bait used. Also, the examine window displays the angler who caught the fish and the time the fish was caught.

A "Record Data" radial menu is available on any non-collection fish that will display the galaxy best and the angler's personal best information for that particular fish type.

NPC Record Holders
All 70 fishing records are currently held by various NPCs. The current record length and which NPC currently holds which record are different for each galaxy. These NPCs are actually quite avid anglers who have recently come out of the closet to reveal their ...errr...ummm... ichthyologic tendencies, so it will take some effort to best their records. The angler that becomes the new record holder will get a Comm Message from the NPC who originally held that particular record, who will have a thing or two to say to the new record holder.

There are more NPCs than fishing records, so some NPCs will not be record holders on some galaxies. So if Darth Vader is not a record holder on your galaxy, you'll just have to go fishing on a galaxy where Vader is a record holder if you want to receive message from the angling Dark Lord.

Titles, Badges, and Collections

Titles (70 available) are granted to the current record holder. When there is a new record holder, the title will be removed from the current record holder and granted to the new record holder.

Badges (70 available) are granted for catching a record fish. Badges are also granted for catching 1, 5, 10, 15..., 100 record fish.

The Fishing Leaderboard section in the Badges tab of the Collections window displays badges the angler has earned for being a guild member/citizen of a guild/city that made the Fishing Leaderboard winners list.

Badges are granted for being a guild member/citizen of a guild/city that won 1st place, and for being a guild member/citizen one time, five times, 10 times, 15 times... etc of a guild/city that made the Fishing Leaderboard winners list.

A collection under the Fishing Record section in the Hobbies tab of the Collections window displays the count of record fish caught by the angler.

Seven collections (one for each fish type), with server first and a badge as reward, under the Fishing Record section in the Hobbies tab of the Collections window are available for catching a record fish of the particular type on all 10 planets.

10 collections (one for each planet), with server first and a badge as reward, under the Fishing Record section in the Hobbies tab of the Collections window are available for catching a record fish for all the seven types on the particular planet.


Tales abound of the one that always manages to get away. Are there any truths to these stories, or are they just overactive imagings after too many rounds of Valarian Brandy?
There are only 70 ELUSIVE fish (one for each of the 70 non-collection fish types) for each galaxy. The odds of successfully landing an ELUSIVE fish are much, much, much greater than that of successfully navigating an asteroid field, even if Han doesn't want to hear it.

Badges (70 available) are granted for catching an ELUSIVE fish.

To view the ELUSIVE fish list, use any fishing pole.

An ELUSIVE fish will be renamed to designate it as an ELUSIVE fish. For example, "a faa" may be changed to "the ELUSIVE Tatooine faa".

The Development Team reserves the right to revisit the "only 70 ELUSIVE fish per galaxy" rule once any galaxy has caught all its 70 ELUSIVE fish. Good luck with such a feat/challenge/accomplishment though.

Elusive Fish List
For each time that the very lucky angler appears on the ELUSIVE fish list, as long as the angler has logged in within the past 90 days, one travel point will be granted to the angler's current guild and city for each time that the angler appears on the ELUSIVE fish list. This is a permanent perk. Guild/City travel point update occurs at galaxy restart and at the end of the leaderboard period every Thursday at 19:00:00 GMT / 11:00:00 PST / 12:00:00 PDT, so the perk will not be applied immediately when the angler catches an ELUSIVE fish, but will be applied at the next guild/city travel point update. If the angler leaves/joins a guild/city, the perk will be removed/applied at the next guild/city travel point update. The perk will not transfer with the angler with CTS. The angler must get on the ELUSIVE fish list of the destination galaxy in order to receive the perk.

(click the jump to see fish tanks of galaxies)


Solaria has city waypoints!

Here is the official announcement from Game Update 17.6 (even though a tad late).

City Waypoint Registry
  • The mayor can upload waypoint to the city waypoint registry from the waypoint's radial menu.
  • Citizens can download waypoint from the city waypoint registry into the datapad.
  • Launch the city waypoint registry window using the "City Waypoints..." button in the waypoint window, or with /cityWaypoints.
  • The city waypoint registry can hold 25 waypoints. 
There are at least three current waypoints in the current city registry.   If you have vendors in your city or a public house you want to show off, contact me in game with the waypoint attached, and I'll see what I can do about adding it to the city registry.  The spots may even end up on this blog.

On that note, anyone who is interested in living in Solaria (or even parking nearby) can contact me through in-game mail to discuss possibilities.  We are also open to people wanting a city to hold an event.  Remember, the Harvest Festival is coming up soon.

SWG TCG: Retro Scenario Replay

Since this is FREE and ties to loot for your house, I try to remind people about the monthly look scenarios.  If you need help learning the card game, be sure to contact me.  An example of the loot item is in City Hall presently. 
(Remember: the scenario grants a loot card and trading card the first time it is beaten - and an additional trading card for each other archetype the scenario is defeated with -  totaling one loot card and four trading cards in all).

Article Published: 9/22/2010
SOE and the Star Wars Galaxies™ Trading Card Game are giving you the opportunity to punish more pirates in a Retro Scenario Replay during the month of September! Play the scenario if you happened to miss it the first time it came out, or replay it for the pure challenge! Starting today through October 12th, 2010, play the 'Punish the Pirates' scenario to win a Punishing One (4P13) promo card and a Mysterious Rug (4SWGP7) loot card! The first time you defeat the scenario, you will receive:
  • One (1) Punishing One (4P13) promo card to play in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game
  • One (1) Mysterious Rug (4SWGP7) loot card
If you defeat the scenario again with a different avatar archetype, you'll receive an additional Punishing One promo card (limit 4 per account)! The "Punishing the Pirates" scenario will only last through Tuesday, October 12, 2010, at 2 p.m. PT. Don't miss it!
Punishing One
Mysterious Rug
For details, visit the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game Events Calendar!


Amazing fanfilm (in 3-D)

Amazing Star Wars short explains what was in Han Solo's dumped cargo

Strap on those glasses, because that image proves I'm not lying.

Whip out those old-school 3D glasses (with the red and blue) if you want to be astounded.  This is the story of that jettisoned shipment which Jabba was so upset about- taking place before Episode 4 (A New Hope).
"This is the winner of "Best Animation" from the Star Wars Fan Film Movie Challenge, sponsored by Lucasfilm."
The Solo Adventures 3D from Daniel L Smith on Vimeo.

Just in case you don't have the glasses, the regular version is below.  But I assure you, the 3D really works and is very cool.  The crawl comes right off the screen.


Want this painting?

This is the item in question; obtained from the TCG (SWG "Trading Card Game").

Card Number: 3SWGP3
This painting is a reward for completing the Mad Zoo TCG scenario from Thursday, August 26, 2010, through Thursday, September 30, 2010.
The first time it's beaten, you get the loot card and a wamprat card from the game.  For each archetype you win with (Rebel, Sith, Imperial, Jedi), an additional wamprat card is obtained...making a total of four wamprats and one Hoth poster.

Remember it's just until the 30th of September.  I'll be glad to try helping teach the game if you contact me.  And in case you did not know...  All SWG accounts have a free tie-in to the card game.  And each account "in good standing" (meaning paid up) receive 5 free packs of cards each month.  
May the Force be with loot you!

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