The good? New stuff to decorate your house with.
The bad? Most new loot drops are from Heroics.
(read on for updates though...some good info.)
Player City
* CityChat chat channel is now available for citizens of the player city.
* /city and /citysay will send to the CityChat chat channel.
* If you have city text chat issue, you can use the command /cityTextChatRoomRejoin to leave and rejoin the city text chat room to attempt to resolve the issue.
* Matilda Carson (Painting Allocation Engineer)...rival to Navari Trik (Painting Distribution Specialist)...is in Mos Eisley with some new paintings for you.
* Bestine Election will now properly give out the rare painting again.
* Sandcrawler house now grants correct storage (350 items)
Now for the items now dropping inside of Heroics (images after the jump). To see the full Friday Feature article, click here.
Tunken King



Exar Kun

Axva Min

Some of this loot looks cool but what is the warped looking things under Exar Kun? Those aren't tree parts are they? Who wants tree parts in their house?@_@ My other thought is a bit morbid so I will wait for an answer.