Don't call it poster's block!
I have a few different paths for this little place. Solaria is number one of course. But how wide or narrow of focus should it be?
Choices are...
Solaria + Star Wars Galaxies
Solaria + SWG + Star Wars-related links/posts
SWG can be screenshots, game news, and anything encompassing the game itself. Star Wars can be anything related to the saga; from fanfilms to novel news.
Or it can be everything and anything... but would it be too confusing?
Comment. Suggest your own ideas too. This is supposed to be a fun and informative place. Please ask your own questions and I'll be glad to answer them in a future post; if I can.
Since this is for Solaria and will be the only place for such information, I'd say anything and everything SWG is relevant. Some will come here for city info first, so having links/posts, etc with current news and updates would be nice so there would be less need for jumping around.