Citizen of the Month 2010.03 (Klouds)

The main question might be to ask what this title is about. Or what this is about below...

I made a promise to be more involved and help bring the community together. Something I always wished to do was reward those positive citizens who rise above the norm. So this is the first official citizen of the month.

On the last week of the month, I will announce a citizen who will be next month's person. The date format is easily explained [year.month]. My only regret was not having a better system in mind sooner.

The statue seen above presently sits outside the Solaria shuttle in rather plain view. It has an inscription of this honor, and a proclamation also hangs above the ballot box in city hall. The statue will later become a trophy for the citizen to keep when the next one is placed in the city.

This citizen of the month is...


Many agree Klouds is an exemplary citizen in Solaria. She is always keen to help entertain in one of our cantinas, and also never complains when asked to move a house or help arrange an event. She has lived in the city for years and traveled almost every direction in Solaria.

Klouds also has the only theater in Solaria (named Solaria's Theater) in the southeast which I used as the centerpiece of the latest community I developed for the city. Never be shy to ask for a buff, since she is one of the most approachable citizens in Solaria.

Please congratulate her in the comments or when passing her in the city. She has earned it!

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