Star Wars Galaxies Memory Book (download here)

In case you missed it, Star Wars Galaxies has ended - and unless you have bothan spies working for you, it's very difficult to find older information or even the Memory Book - which was SOE's official online tribute to the game.

Problem is, the domain and forums have been collapsed- forwarding to the SOE main site.

[This is the reason so many of the posts here have vaporized images.  I will work to re-edit and add photos where they were.  Just give me a little time and patience, and this place will seem fully functional again.]

The "Memory Book" has basically been a memory itself; unless someone was lucky enough to download it.  I finally found a place to house mine, so anyone who missed out has a chance to relive some of the SWG greatness; whether a newer or veteran player.

Download here:


  1. Thanks for posting this on-line, jivaro.. i was just looking for it. I'm enjoying TOR for what it is, but was getting an itch to review SWG screenshots and reminisce.


  2. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Galaxies_Memory_Book

    until this link is added to the main post and for those that would rather look it up than download it


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