This came about from a post in the city/housing section
Millbarge wrote:
So - it's been a year or so since the changes to Player Cities went live...I made a lengthy reply to incorporate my own feelings as well as the citizens who ask me about aspects of player cities and Solaria. Please make submit your own ideas or observations in the thread.
...How are the Mayors doing?
Feel free to comment there or here on any of my remarks.
Hit the jump to read my ideas/proposals
* The large generic house style 2 (I call it the tower house) seems rather atrocious on the skyline. Maybe I have poor shading on my PC but I never like how they seem to light up and aggravate the skyline. It's also a bit of a bummer I have to go inside to see all of the decor people put on the roof. If vendors/greeters could render without entering, it could be nice (though I assume there are issues with such a thing so I'm not requesting it). Maybe it just needs to be dimmer from the outside.
* The cloner bug. Nothing in cloning centers can be /moved - only /rotated. Trying to perform a /move command banishes an item to the cloning tube. There has never been an explanation or a fix. This has been around at least as long as nge.
* New civic structure or building? I don't know what it would be, but something new always attracts more activity. Maybe a small parlor for people to play TCG or a "visitor center" type of place. Just something which can't be placed outside of a city. There has been a lot of hope for the image designer tent which has no current in-game use...but sure looks nice inside as well as the music.
* Permission capability in civic structures. City hall can now have people placed on admin. Can this be extended to the cloner as well?
* Building Assist option? Due to the mayors/militia having NO control over where a structure can go or moved after placed, many things aren't often allowed into player cities...especially TCG structures. What if there was a way to let mayors/militia do the placing but leaving the structure in the possession of the owner? Once placed, the person doing the placing-by-proxy could get a message box to keep it plaed or try again. If the property owner doesn't like the spot, it can be packed by said owner of course. It would make structure placement SO much easier. Ask around.

* Footprints! I still think there has to be a way to tweak them. Maybe I'm crazy, but the more houses which can be jammed inside of a city means the more people who can live inside that city. If not for housing, what about for gardens? The surrounding boundary is much larger than most housing. I remember WAY back when they did alter the footprints (especially the Naboo medium house) due to the "walls" of them being built. It can still be done, but with another structure now. Isn't there a way to cram more houses together to help things look more like a city?
* Player city NPCs. A way to have commoners or whatnot mill about in a city with a certain rank. Even grant small missions such as an alternative to the COMPNOR aspect of faction/rebel terminals. Another way to encourage people to visit player cities. Even if a random "old man" type of spawn generated in a random city each day would be a fun diversion- even if it wasn't training jedi or spewing elite junk.
* Instanced housing option? There are a lot of cool-looking structures in player cities. Most notably the Tat "hovels" structure. What if there was a way to have certain rank allow placement of one (which would be player-crafted). Radial on the sign, and whisked from BHs. It could also be a way to have a way to live in a city with no lots required; freeing up a city's build space to boot. They could allow something paltry like 20 items of storage involved - which could pack up if that housing packs from a rank drop - or from eviction
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