Happy Remembrance Day Season!

The city of Solaria, Rori wishes everyone a bright and festive Remembrance Day.

What is Remembrance Day?  For me, it should resemble the picture above.  Here's a short snippet about it though...
"Remembrance Day was a holiday celebrated by the members of the Rebel Alliance in the tradition of the Old Republic's Republic Day. It was held at the same time as the Imperial Empire Day."
It's a good time to reflect on those who have fallen in past years as well as giving each of us a time to individually reflect upon where we each want to be...whether as a person or where we stand in the Galactic Civil War.

No word on a plan for a mayor-sponsored party yet, but I have my eyes set on one before the Moon Festival (as slang goes). 

[To learn how to participate in game- such as badges or loot, follow the link below.]


Welcome to Solaria 2.0!

Today was spent giving this blog a makeover; thanks to some new options for design layout.  I know it's been a long time coming...and hopefully you like what I've done to it.  The blog that is, not the speeder above.

The tour...

Bigger, wider layout.  And a giant header image.  Bam!  Hope it's not too big for you all...but I'll crop it a bit if so.  (I'm always looking for more pics and vids of the city.  I'll feature you and give credit if you send some.)  The margins are much wider for easier reading also.

New color scheme and background.  I went with a "nature" type of format with a window design, giving a subtle portal to Solaria (the rounded window look of posts).  The open header and lack of divider gives it more of a spacious look: just as I think Solaria is.  Wider images even break out; rather than being imprisoned with by cropping, as the old layout did.

News: bigger and better.  On the right side are related RSS feeds.  They are for SWG, its related card game (TCG), and Station news.  I might reconfigure it a bit further, but it's a good way to see what's happening in the game world without having to visit the SWG site or go into the launcher.  In addition, there is a GFA feed - the five most resent posts from the public threads.

Reconfigured ShoutBox.  The layout is a bit wider and colored a tad closer to the blog.  Anyone can use it to give a shout out to others or voice opinions.

Easter Eggs.  Here's a hint - highlight color.

Enjoy the update and post your mind.


City Decor - trackback story

This is a pic of some storyteller decorating done in the city.  If you'd like to try your hand at decorating Solaria, contact me here or in-game to make a request.  Your screenies can be a future post (with credit and a link).

See the original post here:


How to improve player cities?

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This came about from a post in the city/housing section

Millbarge wrote:
So - it's been a year or so since the changes to Player Cities went live...
...How are the Mayors doing?
I made a lengthy reply to incorporate my own feelings as well as the citizens who ask me about aspects of player cities and Solaria.  Please make submit your own ideas or observations in the thread. 

Feel free to comment there or here on any of my remarks.

Hit the jump to read my ideas/proposals

Solaria Community Talk

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