Game Update 8 was the first major renovation for player cities. Since there are so many returning mayors; and people wanting a look inside what city tools are available for mayors/militia; I made this peek available on the blog - classified as a "sneak peek" at the time.

^ Storage increase cubes increase work on Cantina, Hospital, Merchant Tent, and Theater structures.
^ The /grantStoryteller command lets the mayor flag a character with the rights to set up a Storyteller Event within their city. This allows a city to have activities and events planned - even allowing aligned guilds to host events - but no worry of full blown zoning which could mess up city design.
^ The Structures Report List will be revamped to show all the structures that your city has as well as being able to get a waypoint to them from the List. Want an example?

^ Recycling Stations available for player cities: junk dealer terminals.
^ A Citizen Report update will also be made - so mayors can stay more in touch with the citizens. As the structure report, this will be very similar.

This lets mayors set a Citizen Message which all citizens can see when they log in. This will help make things much more interactive - as well as offer up reminders for galactic events or city news even.

This is a CITY MESSAGE mayors can set; which anyone entering the city will see. This could alert people of events happening or even direct them to a structure such as a mall.
^ City decorations and gardens increase by 50%. This means a Rank 5 Metropolis could support a cap of 46 civic structures and 75 total decorations. City Banners also take up one decoration space, but it hasn't been an issue yet.
^ On top of that, mayors have new gardens to place...

^ There are also "factional" gardens...

Full Friday Feature ("We Built This City") here:
Full Friday Feature ("Living with the Land") here:
[click the "more" button to see a full list of changes]
Player City Update
- An existing citizen will gethis profession and level initially updated in the citizen roster whenhe logs in for the first time after the update is up and running.
- Storyteller Items placed in a Player City gain 8 hours of bonus longevity (meaning they will last 24 hours instead of 16).
- Increased the base amount of Decorations Cities can have by 50%.
- Increased the base amount of Civic Structures Cities can have by 50%.
- The Cloning Lab specialization has been changed; it now reduces the cost of removing Cloning Sickness by 50%.
- TheImproved Job Market specialization now gives a console messageinforming the player of the bonus payout for missions run from thatterminal.
- Research Center specialization now gives the Crafter a message when the bonus is applied.
- Manufacturing Center specialization now gives the Crafter a message when the bonus is applied.
- Encore Performance (Storyteller): Cities that have this Specialization enables Storyteller Items to last an extra 12 hours.
- Removed Stronghold Specialization.
- OutdoorEnhancements is now available. Mayors who choose this Specializationwill receive a 33% increase in the number of City Decorations and CivicStructures they can place.
- Beginning 5/1/2009 12:01AM PDT,during every galaxy restart, if a citizen has not logged in for morethan 90 days, he will be automatically removed as a citizen of thecity. The citizen's structure(s) will not be affected. You can usethe updated citizen roster window to see how long it has been since acitizen last logged in. In-game mail will be sent to the mayor when acitizen is removed because of this 90 days inactivity. If the citizenlogs back in after he has been removed as a citizen because of the 90days inactivity, and his resident structure is still within the citylimits, he will be immediately added back to the citizen list, and themayor will be sent in-game mail indicating that the citizen has beenadded.
- Player-owned Theaters, Cantinas, Hospitals and Merchant Tents can now have their storage increased. (storage cubes)
- A confirmation code is now needed to 'Delete All Items' inside your structure.
- Players can now move items Up/Down in the Hall of a Small Generic House, style 1
- Players can now move items Up/Down in the Hall of a Small Generic House, style 1a (aka. "style 1, floorplan 2")
- Players can now move items Up/Down in the Hall of a Large Generic House, style 1
- PlayerCity: A "Citizen of Same City" search condition has been added to theSearch Community tab to allow searching for citizens of your city. Asearch that includes the "Citizen of Same City" search condition willreturn all matches, and will ignore the other characters' anonymous andhide location settings. For example, if you just search by the"Citizen of Same City" search condition, the search results willdisplay all online citizens of your city and their locations.
- HouseSigns: When viewing a player's house sign, it will show the actual nameof the sign; previously a player would see 'a sign.' instead of thesign name.
- Storytellers can now have Storyteller Zoning Rights for multiple Cities.
- City Citizenship Report and City Structure Report now display using a sortable Table UI.
- CitizenReport now shows Citizen Name, Structure Type, Structure Location,Citizen Last Login Time/Location, Level and Profession of each Citizen.
- Selecting an item in the Citizen Report will now create a waypoint to the selected Citizen's Structure.
- City Structure Report now shows the Structure Name, Structure Location.
- City Structure Report now shows all Civic Structures and Decorations.
- City Structure Report now shows all items (previously capped at 50).
- City Structure Report now shows Garden Names (if Mayor has named them).
- Selecting an item in the City Structure Report will now create a waypoint to the selected item.
- Mayors can now change the sign name on City Cloning Centers.
- Mayors now receive Deposit Mail Messages when Citizens make Credit Deposits to the City Treasury.
- /grantZoningRights now has a UI. The user can now choose to grant Full Zoning Rights, or Storyteller Zoning Rights.
- /grantStorytellerZoningRightsallows your target to place Storyteller items within your City withoutgiving them the rights to place structures.
- Mayors can now add Administrators to the City Hall.
- Mayors can now withdraw a maximum 150,000 credits/day from the City Treasury.
- Mayors can now view the Structure Status Menu on Civic Structures.
- Fixed an issue where a Citizen's Vote would be wiped if he/she was added to the City Militia
- New Residents of a City will no longer Auto-Vote for the Incumbent Mayor.
- Removing a Citizen from the Militia no longer Auto-Votes for the Mayor.
- Mayors can no longer destroy City Halls during an 'Election Week'.
- Mayors can now create a Message of the Day for their Citizens.
- Mayors can now create a Message of the Day for people who visit their City.
- Mayors now have the option to place a 'Recycling Station'(Junk Dealer) in their City.
- Mayors can now name their City Gardens.
- House Signs: Mayors, while inside their City Limits will now see the Structure's Owner when viewing the House Sign.
- NewGardens are available. These are classified as ‘small gardens' and canbe crafted using the ‘small garden' option in the crafting menu.
- New Fountains have been added as City Decorations. These items are in the drop-down menu when crafting fountains.
- New Statues have been added as City Decorations. These items are in the drop-down menu when crafting statues.
- Item limit for structures that use 5 lots has been increased to 500. This change is retroactive.
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